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Responding to deaf victims of domestic abuse Thurs 12 December with logos from SignHealth and SafeLives

Responding to deaf victims of domestic abuse

Training for professionals in partnership with SafeLives. Build your skills, knowledge and confidence.

Quiz Are you in an abusive relationship BSL

New domestic abuse quiz for the deaf community

We have supported deaf people who have lived in abusive relationships for years and years. One moment of realisation can change their story.

Deaf men and domestic abuse workshop poster

Deaf men and domestic abuse workshop

Join this online men-only workshop. We will explain some of the signs and types of abuse most experienced by men.

Supporting clients in foreign sign languages

Tips from the SignHealth domestic abuse team for how to support deaf people who use other sign languages.

Domestic abuse workshop for men

Free online domestic abuse workshop on 25 June for men only.

Livestream series raising awareness of domestic abuse

Join us for live conversations with survivors, emergency support and inclusive services.

New funding for our Domestic Abuse Service

SignHealth has successfully been awarded funding from the Home Office’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Support and Specialist Fund to expand our vital Domestic Abuse Service.

2023 Leading Light Three year accreditation by SafeLives

Announcing Leading Lights accreditation

SignHealth’s Domestic Abuse Service is proud to have earned SafeLives’ Leading Lights accreditation.

Share your story with us

Come and meet us at Manchester Deaf Centre on Wednesday 18 January 2023 to share your experiences about Domestic Abuse.