Dehydration is the main risk of norovirus because your body is losing water and salts from vomiting and diarrhoea.
The first sign of dehydration is thirst. The other symptoms are …
• Dizziness or light-headedness
• Headache
• Tiredness
• Dry mouth, lips and eyes
• Dark, concentrated urine
• Only passing small amounts of urine (less than three to four times a day)
Mild dehydration is common, and can easily be improved by drinking plenty of water.
The people that are most at risk of becoming dehydrated are the young and elderly, so it is important to seek medical attention straightaway if they are becoming dehydrated.
If the lost fluid isn’t replaced, dehydration will get worse and could lead to complications, such as low blood pressure and kidney failure. It can even be fatal. In addition to severe thirst, you may have the following symptoms…
• Dry, wrinkled skin
• An inability to urinate
• Irritability
• Sunken eyes
• A weak pulse
• A rapid heartbeat
• Cold hands and feet
• Seizures
If you or our child have become infected with norovirus and have symptoms of severe dehydration, seek medical attention as soon as possible. The videos were made by SignHealth with help and information from the NHS. For further information or advice on Norovirus, please click NHS Choices.