Domestic Abuse Service
How to refer
You can refer a deaf person to SignHealth’s Domestic Abuse Service by downloading and completing this form.
Information for deaf survivors
SignHealth has BSL videos related to domestic abuse topics, advice and you can find details for who to contact for support.
Our Domestic Abuse Service is a unique, deaf-led service for deaf people who have or are experiencing domestic abuse. The service is the first and only one of its kind in the UK.
Our team of deaf Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) and Young People’s Violence Advisors (YPVAs) help bring deaf people and their children to safety and empower them to build new lives free of fear.
We currently provide support across England.
How we offer support
From the initial contact, our team creates a support plan and develops coping strategies until the client feels ready to move on with their life independently. Throughout this process, we ensure our clients are able to navigate statutory services such as immigration, the police and courts, housing, and social services.
“Deaf women are at twice the risk of being abused and getting support is more difficult.“
– Marie Vickers, Head of Domestic Abuse Service
Raising awareness for the next generation
There is a huge gap in service provision for young deaf people, so we built a programme to provide support and prevention work for young deaf people who are experiencing or witnessing domestic abuse.
What’s happening
Deaf IDSVA (Independent Domestic and Sexual Violence Advisor)
Join SignHealth’s Domestic Abuse Service to support deaf survivors.
Responding to deaf victims of domestic abuse
Training for professionals in partnership with SafeLives. Build your skills, knowledge and confidence.
New domestic abuse quiz for the deaf community
We have supported deaf people who have lived in abusive relationships for years and years. One moment of realisation can change their story.
Impact and Recognition
SignHealth has achieved considerable recognition within the domestic abuse sector, winning CAF and Civil Society’s Disability Charity of the Year in 2014. The judges described SignHealth’s Domestic Abuse Service as a “truly inspiring example of excellence and outstanding work”.
The project was also awarded the Emma Humphreys Memorial Prize in 2012 – an award which marks the outstanding contribution of an organisation whose work has resulted in developments that combat the prevalence of violence against women.
A cost effective service
As well as providing a much better experience for deaf people, SignHealth’s Domestic Abuse Service provides excellent financial value. Other services would need to provide deaf awareness training to workers and to find, and pay for, interpreters for each meeting with deaf clients. Because we are a team of deaf professionals, these costs are not necessary.
Contact our Domestic Abuse Team
If you are in an abusive relationship or think you might be, please contact us.
Text ONLY 07800 003421 or email
Confidentiality is important to us. For more information, please read our privacy statement.
Please note: We are not an interpreting agency. Check if your service has a contract or process for booking BSL interpreters, or use the NRCPD website, or search for BSL interpreting agencies working in your area.