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Privacy statement

SignHealth is committed to safeguarding any personal data that we process, ensuring that it is stored and shared safely and securely.

This Privacy Notice explains what personal data we collect about you, how and why we use it, who we disclose it to and how we protect it.


SignHealth is committed to keeping any personal data that we process safe, ensuring that it is stored and shared securely.

We will only collect, use and handle your personal data:

  • where you have consented to this for specified and legitimate purposes;
  • where this is necessary to fulfil any legal obligations that we have;
  • or where it is necessary to running our daily operations, as long as this is in line with the law and your legal rights and freedoms.

If you would like support with accessing the complete statement provided below or want to discuss what it contains please contact info@signhealth.org.uk.

Who is SignHealth?

SignHealth works to improve the health and wellbeing of Deaf people. We provide our services directly in British Sign Language (BSL), we work in partnership with the NHS and we also campaign for change.

Who is responsible for your data?

Our Privacy Notice applies to the personal data that SignHealth collects and uses.

References in this Privacy Notice to “SignHealth”, “we”, “us” or “our” mean SignHealth, a charity registered in England and Wales (number 1011056) and a company limited by guarantee no 2610559. Our registered office is CAN Mezzanine Ltd, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR

We control the ways your personal data is collected and the purposes for which your personal data are used by SignHealth. We are the “data controller” for the purposes of the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and other applicable European data protection legislation.

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, registration number ZA321075.

SignHealth has nominated the Head of Governance and Strategy role to act as the organisation’s data administrator. This is to provide stakeholders, both internal and external, with a single point of contact in relation to any queries and information around data protection.

We welcome any questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Notice. If you have any complaints about the way in which we have used your personal information, please email phowes@signhealth.org.uk.

Personal data we collect about you

When using the term “personal data” in our Privacy Notice, we mean information that relates to you and allows us to identify you, either directly or in combination with other information that we may hold.

We collect some personal data from you, for example, when you use our services, donate to us, use our website or contact us.  This can either be in a written or visual format.

What data we collect and when

The type and quantity of data we collect and use depends on why you have provided it.

We will only collect, use and otherwise handle your personal data:

  • where you have consented to this for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
  • where this is necessary to fulfil legal obligations that apply to us
  • where it is necessary for our legitimate interests relating to running our daily operations, as long as, in each case, these interests are in line with applicable law and your legal rights and freedoms.

We may collect and process the following categories of information about you:

Personal information, including contact details

SignHealth offers a wide range of services to Deaf people. We will collect your contact details, preferences, personal data and any other data that is relevant to delivering the service to you. This information will only be used for the purposes of the service and not shared with other SignHealth colleagues who are not involved in delivering or managing the service you receive unless you give us permission to do so.

For example, your name, postal address, telephone number and date of birth. We will also collect this when you contact us or donate by post, telephone, electronic media (e.g WhatsApp, facetime, skype, text) or on our website.

Bank details

We collect your name, sort code and account number.

We collect this when you set up a regular gift (e.g. direct debit or standing order) with us or send us a cheque in the post.


We collect the communications you exchange with us.

We collect this when you use email or other electronic media, write a letter or call us.

Third party information

We collect information indirectly from third parties such as event organisers (e.g. marathon organisers) or fundraising sites like JustGiving, where you have agreed to support SignHealth and have given your consent. You may also have provided permission for a company or other organisation to share your data with third parties, including charities. This could be when you buy a product or service, register for an online competition or sign up with a comparison site.

We collect this information when you use a third-party site such as JustGiving whereby SignHealth is the named beneficiary. You may wish to check their privacy statement to find out more about how they will process your data.

Non-personalised data

We collect non-personal data such as IP addresses, details of web pages visited and files downloaded. Website usage information is collected using cookies.

We collect this when you use our website.

For more information view our Cookies Policy.

Social media

We collect your posts and messages on social media directed at SignHealth.

We collect this when you interact with us on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.


We collect information about how our website is used, such as your searches for information.

We collect this when you navigate on our website.


We collect personal data as part of our staff or volunteer recruitment processes.

We collect this when you apply for a job or for volunteering opportunities with SignHealth.

Legacy administration

We collect personal data necessary for legacy administration.

We collect this when a supporter has died, leaving a legacy to SignHealth, and you are the executor or you have an interest in the estate.

Sensitive personal data

We collect and use personal data you provide to us, as SignHealth service users and supporters, to provide a service to you, work with you and contact you to keep you informed about SignHealth’s activities. We put in place policies and procedures to ensure that your data is kept secure. This information is only accessed on a need-to-know basis. Unless required by law or as otherwise described in this Privacy Notice, we do not disclose your personal data to any third party without your prior consent.

Sharing your personal data

SignHealth does not share your data with any other charity, public body or commercial organisation, unless we have your consent, we have to do so either for legal or compliance reasons, or where it is more cost effective and efficient for us to use a third party to deliver a product or service on our behalf.

Legal duty

We may need to pass on personal information if required by law or by a regulatory body. For example, if requested as part of a Gift Aid audit or by a law enforcement agency.

Other service providers or third parties

We sometimes employ third party service providers to carry out tasks on our behalf. This can be because it is clearly more efficient for them to carry out certain tasks (such as when sending out large volume mailings) or when we do not have the capacity to do a specific task.

How and why we use your personal data

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

To provide a service to you, manage your donations, requests or calls to action

When you interact with us, we use your information to deliver the relevant service to you, to perform our services in relation to your donation, to deal with your queries and requests and to process responses to our campaigns or advocacy work.

To fundraise and promote SignHealth’s work, in both financial and non-financial ways

We know how fundamental our supporters and donors are to the work we do. In order to develop and foster your ongoing support, we want to keep in touch with you through feedback and further opportunities and invitations to support our work in both financial and non-financial ways.

To communicate with you and manage our relationship with you

Occasionally we may need to contact you by mail, email, other electronic media and/or telephone for administrative or operational reasons – for example, to send you confirmation of your donation. Please be aware that these communications are not made for marketing purposes and as such, you will continue to receive them even if you opt out of receiving marketing communications from us.

We will also use your personal data if we contact you after you have sent us a request, filled in a web form through our website or contacted us on social media. 

Your views and opinions are very important to us, so we may send you a survey to seek your feedback.

We will use the communications you exchange with us and the feedback you may provide to manage our relationship with you as a supporter of SignHealth and to improve our services and communications.

To personalise and improve your experience when engaging with SignHealth

We strive to continually improve the information and services we offer to our supporters so that we can be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us.

We may use your personal data to tailor our communications to your needs and preferences and to provide you with a more relevant experience, for example, by sending you communications on topics you have shown an interest in.

We may also collect information about how you use our website, which pages of our website you visit most and what you search for, to understand your preferences. We may use this information to tailor content and, if you have agreed to receive marketing communications, to send you relevant messages that we think would be of interest to you.

To inform you about our news and ways you may be able to help SignHealth

We may send you marketing communications, if you have indicated that you are happy to receive these – for example, when you have donated and you haven’t opted out of receiving such communications. You can also ask us to send you marketing communications by contacting our Fundraising Team by email at fundraising@signhealth.org.uk

If you are happy to receive marketing communications, we will provide you with news, information about our fundraising, advocacy and campaigning work, together with opportunities and invitations to donate or support SignHealth in other ways.

Please note that we do not share your contact details and other personal data with any other charities or companies for marketing purposes.

If you do not want to receive marketing communications from us, you can simply tell us by ticking or clicking the relevant box on various marketing materials, or by contacting our Fundraising Team by email at fundraising@signhealth.org.uk

You can choose to opt out of receiving email marketing communications at any time by clicking on the relevant unsubscribe link at the bottom of any marketing related email you may receive from us.

To manage our volunteers

We need to process and keep some personal information in order to recruit and manage people that volunteer for SignHealth.

To maintain and improve our own accounts, records and organisational processes, to fulfil our administrative purposes and protect our charitable interests

The purposes for which we will use your information include accounting, billing and audit, credit or other payment card verification, fraud screening, safety, security and legal purposes, statistical and marketing analysis, legacy administration, systems testing, maintenance and development.

Our processing may also include the use of CCTV systems at our premises for the prevention of crime.

Legal basis for processing your personal data

The General Data Protection Regulation requires organisations to consider the legal basis on which they process personal data.

SignHealth will process personal data in line with the following principles:

  • Where it is necessary for us to fulfil a contract with you: for example, when you make a donation.
  • With your consent: we will only send you emails, make telephone calls or send you SMS text messages with your explicit consent.
  • When it is in our legitimate interests to do so: as part of our engagement and efforts to build long-term relationships with our supporters, we will send you communications and marketing material via post unless you have told us you do not wish to receive these communications. This need not be an “all or nothing” option. We maintain a wide range of communication preferences and options, so you can choose both the type of material (whether that’s fundraising activities, our campaigns and advocacy work or volunteering) and the most convenient channel(s) for you to receive information from us (such as email, post, telephone or SMS).

Data analysis

We use Post Office address search, postcode lists and other sources to ensure the quality and accuracy of data you provide us – for example, where we cannot read information on a handwritten form. We do not attempt to complete any information you have chosen not to provide (for example, if you have left a telephone number blank).

We do not routinely use external sources to update our database; for example, a change of address. We will normally rely on you to tell us if your details have changed. However, if you are an active giver and we find items are returned to us, we may use external sources to update your address so that we can maintain contact with you.

We may use profiling techniques in order to send you communications we believe may be of interest to you. This means we conduct analysis of information held on our database, such as previous behaviour (previous donations or campaign actions) or information supplied by our supporters, such as date of birth.

We sometimes include publicly available geographic and demographic data in our analysis using third party software. Often this information is aggregated at postcode level and so cannot be used to identify individuals directly. Where it might apply to an individual – for example, a date of birth – we check that you have consented to the third party sharing your data.

If you would rather your data was not used for the purposes of data analysis, you can contact our Fundraising Team by email at fundraising@signhealth.org.uk

How long do we keep personal data?

We will keep your personal data only for as long as we consider it necessary to carry out each processing activity.

We maintain data retention criteria to help implement this. This takes account of our legal and accounting obligations, balancing this with what would be considered reasonable.

We are required to keep details of financial transactions, including donations, for seven years to meet accountancy and HMRC requirements. We will anonymise or delete personal data if, after a period of seven years, we have not had any contact or communication from you (this will be measured on a rolling seven-year period) – subject to special circumstances concerning legacies.

Some supporters tell us that they have included a gift to SignHealth in their will, or that they intend to do so. We retain their personal information indefinitely so that we can keep in touch during their lifetime and provide a caring and efficient legacy administration service.

Your rights

SignHealth actively supports the principle of “fair and transparent” processing of your personal information. We support your rights in relation to your personal information under the General Data Protection Regulation, including the:

  • right to be informed (chiefly via this policy)
  • right of access
  • right to rectification
  • right to erasure
  • right to restrict processing
  • right to data portability
  • right to object
  • rights related to automated decision-making including profiling

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact SignHealth in writing at CAN Mezzanine Ltd, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR or via email at info@signhealth.org.uk

Requesting access to your personal data

You have a right to request access to the personal data that we hold about you.

If you would like to request a copy of your personal data or have any questions in relation to your personal data, please contact us at info@signhealth.org.uk.

Security of your personal data

We are committed to taking appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. When you provide your personal data through our website, this information is transmitted across the internet securely using high-grade encryption.

SignHealth takes particular care with online giving. SignHealth uses Worldpay, which specialises in the secure capture and processing of online transactions. The credit card form is secure, and your information is encrypted and stored on a secure database. SignHealth does not retain any card payment information.

As described elsewhere in this Privacy Notice, we may in some instances disclose your personal data to third parties. Where SignHealth discloses your personal data to a third party, we require that third party to have appropriate technical and organisational measures in place to protect your personal data.

The information that you provide to us will be held in our systems, which are located on our premises or those of an appointed third party, acting as our Data Processor. We may also allow access to your information by other third parties that act for us for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice or for other purposes approved by you.

Uploading information to the SignHealth website

All material uploaded to our website is subject to approval by SignHealth before being used. By uploading material in the form of photographs, videos, stories or any other format onto our site you are automatically agreeing to SignHealth editing and using your material on the website and in future promotional material or events. This agreement is lifelong and royalty free and non-exclusive to SignHealth.

You must be 18 or over and if not you must have the express permission of your parent or guardian to upload the material. Material must not violate any copyright laws, the rights of any third party or any other laws. Photographs and videos must have been taken with the knowledge of the subjects, or where the subjects are under 18, with the permission of their parent or guardian. All subjects must have given permission for the material to be used by SignHealth.

By submitting material you agree that SignHealth has the right to share the material with any third party involved in the submission and receipt of the material as well as any third parties which SignHealth uses to act on their behalf.

Under certain laws and regulations SignHealth might be asked to disclose information to government agencies or employees. By submitting material, you authorise SignHealth to do this without having to give you prior notice.

SignHealth will use any material in accordance with our own data protection policy and the Data Protection Act (1988).

Cookies or other tracking technologies

In order to improve our services, to provide you with more relevant content and to analyse how visitors use our websites, we may use technologies, such as cookies or other tracking software. Please be aware that in most cases we will not be able to identify you from the information we collect using these technologies, as this is based on your Internet Protocol (IP) address only.

The SignHealth website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your device, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about aggregated use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf.

Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to use the full functionality of our website.

In order for us to understand how our supporters interact with the emails that we send, the email tools we use let us know if the emails we send are opened or links are clicked on. We use this information to make the content that we send as relevant to you as possible.

Updates to our Privacy Notice

We may make changes to this Privacy Notice from time to time. We will update the Privacy Notice as and when required and we will publish any new version of this Privacy Notice on this page.

Contact information and telling us when things have changed

SignHealth will occasionally provide you with the opportunity to opt in to receiving certain types of communication. If you are already receiving such communication, you do not need to opt-in again as your existing preference will persist until you provide explicit instruction that you want to opt out.

You can change your preferences on what you receive from SignHealth at any time, including fundraising and marketing materials or how we contact you. Let us know:

By emailing our Fundraising Team at fundraising@signhealth.org.uk

By writing to us at

CAN Mezzanine Ltd
7-14 Great Dover Street

To facilitate all the above, SignHealth has nominated the Head of Governance and Strategy role to act as the organisation’s data administrator. This is to provide stakeholders, both internal and external, with a single point of contact in relation to any queries and information around data protection.

We welcome any questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Notice. If you have any complaints about the way in which we have used your personal information, please email phowes@signhealth.org.uk or contact us via the address above.

You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office or the Fundraising Regulator.