Still Sick Of It

Our vision
No more excuses and no more barriers!
We need healthcare without barriers. With communication access in place, we can eliminate health inequality for deaf people.
Will you join us?
What you can do
The issues
We are still sick of it…
Did you know, it was ten years ago that SignHealth published the Sick Of It report? The research showed how deaf people have poorer health in the UK compared to hearing people.
Barriers in health services lead to inequalities. It’s hard to make an appointment, to get an interpreter, or to get health information in BSL.
Latest updates
It’s not new, we are Still Sick Of It
Deaf Health Webinar attended by nearly 200 people highlights plans for ensuring the NHS knows that enough is enough.
We met your MPs!
Four deaf charities worked together to co-host an event in Parliament to share the wide range of issues impacting the deaf community.
A letter for the Health Secretary
Barriers in health services lead to inequalities. We are still sick of it! Where is our access?