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Our Strategy

SignHealth has a Three Year Plan to guide us from 2024 to 2027

The importance of a plan

Do you like to have a plan? Do you have a list of what you want to achieve and how to get there? In April 2024, SignHealth is starting on a new Three Year Plan to guide us through to 2027. Exciting! 

Our last plan led us to three big achievements: 

  • opening a new supported living accommodation in Leeds for deaf people with complex mental health needs 
  • achieving a national contract with NHS England for our service Therapies for deaf people with anxiety and depression 
  • expanding our Domestic Abuse Service across England. 

It’s been a lot of hard work, and we will continue to deliver these important services to meet the needs of deaf people. 

Looking to the future

This Three Year Plan seeks to build on our recent growth and accelerate it.  

Our vision has stayed the same, we still want to see a world where there are no barriers to good health and wellbeing for deaf people. To achieve this, the plan sets out three overarching strategic objectives to guide us: 

  • Forward together, working in partnership 
  • A healthy deaf community 
  • An accessible system 
The Deaf Health Charity SignHealth 2024-27 Three Year Plan. Circles of various colours with the three objectives and a transformation programme surrounding them.

We have set targets for each objective so that we check our progress. Meeting these targets is important to us because the health inequalities we face today are unacceptable.  

What we hope to achieve

The Three Year Plan includes commissioning new research and positioning SignHealth as the go-to deaf health charity that the NHS, public bodies and health organisations all want to partner with.  

We will launch a new strategy for engaging with deaf children and young people.  

The plan also includes ambitious plans for opening new residential services to support deaf patients being discharged from mental health services.  

We look forward to growing deaf together, the campaign for equity for all deaf people.  

To achieve these objectives, SignHealth must continue to grow at a fast pace. To do this, we will put in place a transformation programme to review our systems and also confirm our response to the climate crisis.  

We need you

We hope you join us over the next three years, either as  

  • a supporter
  • an employee 
  • an ambassador 
  • a fundraiser 
  • a partner 
  • an advisor 
  • a monthly donor 
  • or an occasional survey taker.  

We hope you will join us in building a world where there are no barriers to good health and wellbeing for all deaf people. 

Our Year in Review

Progress, challenges, changes, impacts and insights

Give to SignHealth

Help us build a future without barriers to good health and wellbeing for deaf people