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Sometimes, life doesn’t turn out the way that we expect. Relationships are messy and hard work. But sometimes when you’re having a hard time, you might not notice the patterns, the lies, the abuse…

If a partner, husband, wife or family member harms you, many of us know that this is domestic abuse. Some people have never been told that it is not okay.

But if a partner, husband, wife or family member makes you feel small. embarrass you and isolate you from your friends and family, this is also abuse. Many people have never been told that it is not okay.

Why a quiz?

At SignHealth, our domestic abuse team has supported deaf people who have lived in abusive relationships for years and years. We have seen how one moment of realisation can change their story.

Recognising the abuse is an important step. It is hard to ask someone you know if they think you are being abused. You might think it’s all in your head. You might have been told your suspicions are not true.

Deaf survivors of domestic abuse shared their experiences and gave feedback to help us create the ‘Quiz: Are you in an abusive relationship’. It’s online, quick, accessible, anonymous, and it asks the right questions. It gives space to think and reflect. When you are ready, our team are here to support you.

How did we create it?

A group of deaf survivors were keen to support, so this project was ‘co-produced’ with people with lived experience. They knew which questions they wished they had been asked.

It was very hard to narrow down the questions so that the quiz wouldn’t be too long! Looking back, for them, there were so many warning signs, sometimes just a simple question can provide so much clarity.

After the questions and format were agreed, we took advice and decided to use VideoAsk software to build the quiz so that it would be interactive, engaging and accessible. This tool gave us the opportunity to add British Sign Language (BSL) videos to the questions.

We then commissioned deaf BSL translators from a range of backgrounds so that the quiz could be as representative of the people taking it as possible. There are only a few translators with the necessary qualifications, so we were very pleased to work with such a talented group of people.

The research, development and production of the quiz were made possible with funding from the Home Office.

What have we learned?

This quiz is just one example of a resource that isn’t available in BSL from anywhere else. We knew from experience that it is a useful tool to introduce the topic and options for support to victims.

We have had some technical difficulties making sure the quiz is just as accessible on every device screen size. It has been helpful to get feedback from such a large team, but we also appreciate feedback anytime, let us know we can improve your experience of the quiz. Email communications@signhealth.org.uk.

This online quiz is not an official evaluation of domestic abuse. It is a tool to help recognise abuse.

We hope that this quiz is empowering. Knowledge is power. We hope more deaf people will come forward to ask for support. Or use this tool as a way to start conversations with people in their lives who may be at risk.

To continue the conversation, ask questions or find support, please email us. Anyone over 16 years old can email da@signhealth.org.uk, or if you are under 16, please email cyp@signhealth.org.uk.

Please share the quiz!
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