Logo for Signhealth, the deaf charity

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Man and a woman standing and looking at the screen with a healthcare setting in the background

Medical Access Crisis: BBC See Hear

Watch BBC See Hear ‘Medical Access Crisis’ episode on BBC Two or Iplayer to find out how inaccessible healthcare is for deaf people.

SignHealth shortlisted for ‘Board Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’

Charity Governance Awards 2024 Shortlist

Mental Health and Deaf People Event

We hosted a live online event for the Deaf community with key staff and a trustee from
SignHealth to answer your questions and provide information about our mental health work.

The recording of this event is available to watch on our website.

2022 Men’s World Cup: Take a stand

We hope everyone can enjoy the World Cup this year in safety. Please take a stand against abuse of any kind.

New Macmillan service to support Deaf people living with cancer

New service offering Deaf people with cancer emotional and practical support.

SignHealth signs joint statement on the cost of living crisis

This is going to be a tough winter for everyone, but for those in greatest need it will be catastrophic.  It is essential that urgent action is taken.

999 BSL App Icon

999 BSL – What you need to know about the new service

The 999 BSL Emergency Video Relay Service is provided by Sign Language Interactions This information an more is available at https://999bsl.co.uk/resources/

SignHealth awarded ground-breaking NHS England contract to improve Deaf people’s access to mental health support

Breakthrough in access to therapy in BSL for Deaf people experiencing feelings of anxiety, depression, or other common mental health concerns.   

Deaf woman having her vision checked with interpreter present providing communication support

Five years on and no change, Deaf people still shut out of NHS services

New report reveals poor access to NHS services and sets out urgent steps required to meet the communication needs of Deaf and other disabled people.