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Deaf Awareness Week 2024 at SignHealth – British Sign Language (BSL)

Let’s raise deaf awareness in the NHS!

At every level of the NHS we are highlighting the need to improve access to health care.

You can support by ensuring your GP has deaf awareness and understands their responsibilities.

  1. Print out our poster. Give it to the receptionist at the GP to add to their staff notice board. (Hearing allies, you can do this too!)
  2. Create a RNID communication card. A quick way to share your needs with health care professionals
  3. Make a complaint:
    • when an interpreter isn’t booked
    • when the only contact option is a phone number
    • when your operation is delayed due to poor interpreter booking contracts
    • when the NHS calls you with test results
      or any barrier put between you and health care, please make a complaint.
  4. Consider working for the NHS. Is this an extreme response? Yes, but more deaf people in the workforce would influence change and improve access for deaf patients. Come along to the Health and Social Care Job Show in London this Friday and Saturday. We will be there too, so be sure to come by and say hello!

Together, let’s improve deaf awareness in the NHS. 

Thank you for your support for Deaf Awareness Week 2024. As always, please share our videos on social media to help raise deaf awareness with your networks! #DeafAwarenessWeek #AccessToHealth

Why SignHealth?

The majority of our 200 staff are deaf people and our award winning board has been recognised for its diversity and inclusivity. Together we are working to improve health and wellbeing for everyone.

Deaf people continue to face barriers in mainstream health and social care services. Since 1986 we have been providing services to the deaf community and campaigning for better access to healthcare.  

two women walking and signing
Collage of photos depicting different types of communication access to NHS health services

Review of the NHS Accessible Information Standard

Urgent priorities for change, informed by patients’ lived experience and NHS professionals.
