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I wylio’r fideo yma gydag isdeitlau Cymraeg, cliciwch y botwm gosodiadau ar yr ochr dde a dewiswch Gymraeg o’r opsiynau isdeitl.

In this video, Carol, Wendy, Gen and Scott share what helps them with grief. They find keeping busy, exercising, talking about their grief with others and sharing positive memories of the person helps.

Grief feels different for everyone, and what helps someone with grief can be different too. This video shows their personal stories. You may find some parts helpful. Or your experience might be completely different. That’s OK too.

For more information about grief after someone has died from a terminal illness, visit mariecurie.org.uk/grief

To talk to someone about how you’re feeling, email support@mariecurie.org.uk or use their online chat or with Relay UK. To find out more visit the Marie Curie website www.mariecurie.org.uk/services/support-line

If you have any feedback about this video, please email review@mariecurie.org.uk or call the Marie Curie Support Line.

This video was supported by the Marie Curie Wales Bereavement Information and Support Service and the Welsh Government. www.mariecurie.org.uk/bereavementwales