Logo for Signhealth, the deaf charity

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We are campaigning to improve deaf people’s health and wellbeing.

There are too many barriers for deaf people when accessing health services and information. This isn’t right or good enough. We’re here to end the health inequalities deaf people face.

Find out more about the campaigns we’re working on and how you can join us on the journey to make things better.

Change happens when we work together

We know ending health barriers for deaf people is a massive challenge, but it is a challenge that needs to be a collaborative effort and we want you to be part of this journey.

Behind the scenes, SignHealth in partnership with several deaf-led organisations are planning a new campaign along with our community and allies to achieve deaf equity and end health barriers for deaf people across the UK. The power of our community’s lived experiences will lead, shape and inform this campaign and we’re passionate about ending the health inequalities we face. Inspired by Sir Michael Marmot’s 2010 report, Fair Society, Healthy Lives, we commissioned New Economics Foundation and the University of Manchester, Social Research on Deaf People to carry out research into the inequalities which affect deaf people.

As we shape this new campaign, it is our hope that the deaf community, all deaf organisations and our allies come together to campaign for deaf equity. This is one of the reasons why we have set up our first advisory group of people across the UK to address different experiences, lived experiences and perspectives across our diverse community. This advisory group will help us decide what issues we campaign on, give feedback on ideas, and ensure the campaign is led by our community.

We need to work together to change the system and can’t do this alone. Will you join us?

Contact the team by email: campaigns@signhealth.org.uk

Find out more about our Campaign Advisory Group and what our campaign to end health inequalities for deaf people involves

Accessible Information Standard

Only 11% of patients covered by the Accessible Information Standard (AIS) have fair access to the NHS.  

The Accessible Information Standard is a legal right that ensures:

  • Deaf people have the same level of access to information about their health as hearing people do
  • Deaf people receive the communication support they want (for example an interpreter or speech-to-text reporter)
  • Information is provided in an accessible format. That may mean test results sent by SMS or emails in plain English.

Find out more about the AIS below:

Deaf Day 2025

Join our Still Sick Of It campaign this year at Deaf Day! See you there