Five years on and no change, Deaf people still shut out of NHS services
New report reveals poor access to NHS services and sets out urgent steps required to meet the communication needs of Deaf and other disabled people.
New report reveals poor access to NHS services and sets out urgent steps required to meet the communication needs of Deaf and other disabled people.
SignHealth is pleased to offer free interactive Mental Health Awareness Workshops for Deaf Adults in February 2022.
If you are struggling to be yourself and find motivation during these cold, dark days, know that support is available.
SignHealth is offering free Mental Health Information Sessions in BSL between Sep 27 and 10 Oct.
This is a British Sign Language (BSL) translation of the updated guidance for those who are considered clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) to Covid-19.
Know what you can expect, what your choices are, and what to do if you are struggling to get an accessible appointment.
Research study focusing on menopause as experienced by Deaf and hard of hearing women.
SignHealth is offering free Mental Health Awareness Workshops in BSL for the Deaf community.
This year the theme is connecting with nature and at SignHealth we’d like to take some time this week to remember how important our mental health and wellbeing is.