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Mens Health Videos

To mark International Men’s Day, here are list of BSL health videos for men.

Healthcare Survey

Tell us your experiences of NHS services and help us show how they can better meet the communication needs of deaf people.  

Mental Health and Deaf People Event

We hosted a live online event for the Deaf community with key staff and a trustee from
SignHealth to answer your questions and provide information about our mental health work.

The recording of this event is available to watch on our website.

New Macmillan service to support Deaf people living with cancer

New service offering Deaf people with cancer emotional and practical support.

Deaf woman having her vision checked with interpreter present providing communication support

Five years on and no change, Deaf people still shut out of NHS services

New report reveals poor access to NHS services and sets out urgent steps required to meet the communication needs of Deaf and other disabled people.

Beach sunrise with blue sky, clouds, a calm ocean wave and small lighthouse

Blue Monday – Mental Health Support

If you are struggling to be yourself and find motivation during these cold, dark days, know that support is available.

Accessible Information Standard: Does your NHS service meet the requirements? Take the survey

Accessible Information Standard 2021 Survey

It has been five years since the Accessible Information Standard came into effect. A coalition of charities have come together to review how the Standard has impacted patient experiences and if there are gaps in implementation.

Guidance for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable to Covid-19

This is a British Sign Language (BSL) translation of the updated guidance for those who are considered clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) to Covid-19.

NHS Logo

NHS releases recommendations from its review of BSL Commissioning Arrangements

SignHealth’s response to the “Rapid” Review of BSL provisions and the recommendations suggested to improve access for Deaf people in health settings